Group 51@2x

Holiday Writng Download To Use With Your Kids

Quick Holiday Download

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What’s sitting on your kitchen countertop right now? On mine (next to the oranges and Anna’s ACT study guide) you’ll find a stack of holiday cards I am almost ready to put in the mail.

Before I send my holiday cards, I love to have my family add handwritten messages. (I used to give them a chocolate kiss for every note they write. Yes. I am not above bribery, and it makes it more fun.) Sometimes they write it directly on the card and, other times, I give them index cards to pop inside the envelope.  

By now, Anna (Banana) is a pretty darn good speller (and writer!) but back in the day, I would front-load her up with a list of words and phrases to make writing these holiday notes easier. 
Don’t you love that term front-load? It’s from a writing teacher guru Emily and I adore named Reggie Routman. She taught us that the more we can do to prep kids for writing before we start (a.k.a. front load them up) the better the writing will be.   
One of the easiest front-loading hacks we know is the word list. It’s like a security blanket that takes away the fear of the blank page. 

Don’t know what to say? Try this. Or this. Need word or two or three? It’s right here!  

Whatever is sitting on your kitchen counter right now, we invite you to add a stack of cards, a few pens (chocolate?) and then front-load it all up with a letter writing word list.

We made you a good one right here. It has lots of good phrases and words you might need when trying to think of a note or letter.  

We hope this idea adds to the fun your family is having this holiday season! 

Thank you for letting us be part of your writing team!

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